The Voices in my Head

When the world says 'no way' God's Word says 'yahweh' **Before I begin today's post I would like to apologize and thank you all for being patient with me. I finished my last exam over the weekend so no more exams or 15 page papers (for now), my work there is done and the joy here can finally [...]

Talk to God, Not Just About

This devotional is brought to you by a sermon from John Piper that is necessary to every person on their Christian journey. Psalm 23 teaches us the importance of communication with our Father, that it is important that we talk about Him to others, but that we also talk to Him. In verses 1-3 David refers to God as “he”: "The [...]

Help Comes First From the WORD Not the World

Happy Music Monday friends ❤ A few days ago I was contact by an ex-friend, someone I thought would be in my life for a while. Before responding to this former friend, I took a moment and asked the Lord why it hadn't worked in the first place. Instead of responding, a went to the Lord in [...]

Brokenness Aside

I want to warn you all from sitting at the table of brokenness. By brokenness I am not talking about being shattered because there's a differences between being shattered and being broken. Divorce will shatter you but you can get married again. Loosing your job can shatter you but you can be employed again. Being shattered means you [...]

Love God with Your Everything

There are few things so universal and yet so challenging. Love. Most importantly, love for God. Jesus says in Mark 12:29–30, that to love is the most important commandment as it is necessary to enjoy God's sustained favour. There are many substantial examples of God's sustained favour in the face of great love. Moses asserted, "[Yahweh] [...]